The Fabric Fisher

Main Menu

The main Fabric Fisher menu provides quick access to some of the most commonly used features. To display the main menu, click on the menu icon (Menu Icon) in the top left corner of the Home page.

This displays the Main Menu:

Main Menu

Take a Photo - If you are visiting Fabric Fisher from your smart phone, or from a desktop computer with an available web cam, you can take a picture of a fabric you are trying to match, and Fabric Fisher will find similar fabrics, or coordinating ones. Choosing the Take a Photo item from the main menu is equivalent to clicking the "Take a picture of a fabric you want to match" area of the home page:

Take a Photo

This opens the camera dialog.

Browse by Color - The Browse By Color menu item is useful if you are looking for a fabric that matches a specific color. Choosing the Browse by Color item from the main menu is equivalent to clicking the "Browse fabrics by color" area of the home page:

Browse By Color

This opens the Browse by Color page.

New Fabrics - The New Fabrics menu item allows you to browse some of our more recently discovered fabrics. Choosing the New Fabrics item from the main menu is equivalent to clicking the "Browse some of our newly discovered fabrics" area of the home page:

Browse By Color

This opens the New Fabrics page.

Help - Opens these help pages. (But you've already figured that out!) The help pages are displayed in a separate window (or tab, depending on your browser) from the main Fabric Fisher web site.

My Account - Opens the Account dialog, which lets you manage your account, or sign out. This menu item is only available if you are a registered user who has signed in. Choosing the My Account item from the main menu is equivalent to clicking the "Signed in as" link on the home page:

Sign In

My Stash - Opens your personal stash. Your stash contains photos of fabrics that you have uploaded, and custom fabrics that you have created through Custom Search.

Forget Me - You have the right to be completely forgotten by Fabric Fisher. Clicking the Forget Me menu item will delete your Fabric Fisher account, the fabrics in your personal stash, and the Fabric Fisher cookie used to identify you on this device.