The Fabric Fisher

Color Page

The Color page shows fabrics that are the closest matches to a specific solid color.

The exact appearance of this page may vary, depending on the shape and size of your device. For example, on a smart phone held in portrait orientation, the page might look like this:

Color page, portrait orientation

Held in landscape orientation, the same page might look like this:

Color page, landscape orientation

In any case, the page has the same basic elements:

a. Home - Returns to the Fabric Fisher home page.

b. Color Name - The name of the color that is the subject of this page. The example above shows the Color Page for Teal, one of the colors displayed in the Basic Colors section of the Browse by Color page.

c. Background Color - The background of the page shows the color being matched (in this case, Teal). This helps you to judge how well each suggested fabric matches the desired color.

d. Fabric Swatches - The page suggests fabrics that closely match the desired color. Fabric Fisher typically displays about 35 of the closest matching fabrics. Each fabric is one that can be purchased through some third-party vendor on the internet. Clicking on a fabric swatch will open the Fabric Page for that fabric, where you will find more details about the fabric, and a link to the original vendor page where the fabric can be purchased.

e. Basic Colors - At the bottom of the page you will find a Color Bar, showing up to 18 Basic Colors. (These are the same colors displayed in the Basic Colors section of the Browse by Color page.) The actual number of colors displayed varies based on the size of the device or window you are using. Click on a color swatch to show the Color Page for that color.

f. More Colors - At the far right of the color bar is a button that dispays the Color Picker dialog, allowing you to choose one of over 2,500 colors to be matched. When this button is clicked from a Color Page, the dialog initially shows colors that are similar to the one on that page. Choosing a similar but slightly different color may give a Color Page with different matches.

g. Help - Opens this help page.